Upgrading to New Year 2.0

Upgrading to 2017

I don’t know about you, but I am completely upgrading to the new version of Year 2.0: Version 2017. Because, trust me: 2016 has GOT TO GO.

All in favour, say AMEN.

Goodness. I ought to have put my earplugs in first. Enthusiastic, much, eh?

At first, I wanted to say that 2016 sucked, big time. Trouble is, it didn’t. Suck, I mean. Well, okay, maybe it had its (long, protracted, get-me-outta-here) moments of deep and powerful Suckage; but it wasn’t all one big Dyson. There were days, sometimes several in a row, even, when one felt the air was clear enough to do that breathing thing.

Those days were a true gift, in and amongst all the loud, clamoring, drama-filled, over-the-top days (and some nights) of sheer Overwhelm, Overdone, and Out-of-Control Nail-Biting. The Drama Llama not only came to visit, she took over the entire guest room and guest bath, plonked herself down at the head of the table, and asked Dusty to fetch her slippers for her, as she was too busy eating the dark chocolate I had bought for myself (for medicinal purposes, of course).

I am pretty sure I saw Dusty gave her the feline equivalent of the Impolite Finger, re-adjust his tail to cover his eyes, and continue to go right on snoring. I believe at the moment, he is planning his speech for Sunday’s Kick the Year Out On Its Arse and Its Little Drama Llama, too ceremony.

The Usual End of Year Project Report: Part One

I finished ONE knitting project this year. Despite its lonely status, I am pleased with the outcome:


Ruth’s Leafy Fingerless Mitts

The yarn is handspun, and was finished in 2016, so that counts as a FO as well.

The sweet little mitts were a gift for a very special person, my friend Ruth. Ruth is one of those folks people are drawn to: deeply good, deeply kind, as well as funny, knowledgeable, and wise; she also has great stories from her own life to tell. I wanted something special to give to her, her being the special person she is.

I love how these mitts came out. I wore them for a couple of days before giving them to Ruth, and I have to say it was a wee bit difficult to part with them. Good thing I know the yarn spinner. She has more yarn! And more cute buttons! And she still knits! (Yes, I do have more of the yarn. And yes, I do still knit. Just not, apparently, finish said knits.)

I might even have my own pair of cute mitts by the end of 2017, who knows?

I have two other knitting projects I have been steadily working on, a pair of socks, and the endless Little Red Cardi. The socks are an unbelievably tiny-for-me 9 sts to the inch, so they may not be done until we have a new president. No, not the one coming up. The next one.

Up next time: Quilting Projects Report

You will have noticed a lack of photos in this post. Explanation coming next time. OF COURSE I have a story to tell about that. I always have stories. 🙂

Also next time, or perhaps the time after that: I have some news for you. Let me get my head together about it, and then I promise to share. Is it bad news? Good news? Good Grief, I have no idea. Not yet, anyway.

HAPPY 2017!


yeah, I wrote that. Just now, in fact.


About sandi

Knitter. Spinner. Quilter. UFO Wrangler. Sometime bead artist and weaver. Two toddler-age kittens, 1 permakitten, 2 grownup cats, 1 beloved dog angel, 1 spouse, 1 crazy life. I suppose that the 5 cats make me 1 crazy cat lady; OTOH, apparently, yes, I do need that much feline supervision.
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11 Responses to Upgrading to New Year 2.0

  1. Molly says:

    Thank you for the reminder that there were in fact some very fine days in the last year – it’s all too easy to forget sometimes .. i hope the news to come is good news and that the drama llama moves on to some other location! Happy new year to you and to your loves!


  2. Kare says:

    Happy New Year! All the best for 2017!


  3. Sharon says:

    I love your poem. it’s a good one to try to live by every day. I too hope the drama llama is done and that you have a more peaceful new year.


  4. Kelly H says:

    Happy New Year, and Happy 150th to Canada!!
    I’m looking forward, trepedatiously, to your news, and more of your posts in general.


  5. Sara M. Weidman says:

    I love reading your posts. They are Wes Anderson tragic and funny! I realize that you are knitting royalty, however, I see you as a gifted writer first. I smile every time I pull up my email and see your name. Happy New Year Dearheart!


  6. Victoria says:

    I love that one knitted item finished. Very special!


  7. Deb says:

    Happy New Year. I’m also glad the old one is behind us. Now…onward. See you when I see you. Much love,Deb


  8. DeAnn Jochen says:

    Wishing you the best in 2017. It matters not how many things you finish. The really important part is did you enjoy working on whatever you worked on? : ) Dee


  9. Lee says:

    The mitts are lovely! I’m so glad you have a good friend like Ruth to share them with. Happy 2017, dear Sandi!


  10. Barbara says:

    We say “Happy New Year” automatically, without really thinking about it. I would like to think about it as I say to you: HAPPY new year! I hope for you that this will be the year the sunshine returns and as a result – selfishly – we get more of our dear Sandy!


  11. knitwit56 says:

    Thank Goodness for the turn of the year. 2016, and, before that, 2015, were shall we say… stretching! Looking forward to 2017. (And finishing the sweater that I had to completely rip out and start over for dear hubby. I’m down to the last sleeve!)


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