monday fun

I haven’t blogged for an entire DAY. (Do you think I’ve forgotten how? Let’s find out.)

Deep Winter Kindness: Week Two Giveaway

Let’s have something for the knitters, shall we? The Deep Winter Fairy has found another goodie (or two…) for this week’s giveaway drawing.

Brand new, in-the-plastic-wrap copy of Eunny Jang’s DVD tutorials on Fair Isle knitting. This isn’t just a vest pattern, it’s Eunny doing what Eunny does best: teaching and giving her secret tricks for stranded knitting, sweater knitting, and even (gasp!) STEEKS. Yep, if you are scared of steeking, Eunny shows you how.

And, like last week, because it was so much fun, I will have a surprise gift for a second person. Let’s just say it is from my personal stash and you can use it whether you are a knitter, a crocheter, or a weaver.

The entry rules are the same as last time, but here they are again so you don’t have to go clicking.

How to enter this week’s Giveaway:

Leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday January 13th, and you’re in! I’ll stick the names of everyone who comments into a random number generator, and announce the randomly generated winners on Friday, January 14th. First name drawn gets the DVD set; second name gets the Thing From Stash.

What if I already have this DVD? If the random number generator picks your name, and you already have the DVD, I have a couple other goodies here you can choose from.

What’s the catch? You have to leave a comment on this post. That’s it. That’s the catch. Oooooh, scary.

What if I live overseas? If you live anywhere outside Canada and the U.S., and the random number generator beasties pick your name, then why shouldn’t you get to play, too? DVDs are light. Big deal. The Deep Winter Fairy can handle it. (Last week she sent a prize to Germany.)


Look! I make stuff!

This is a mitten.

It is a FINISHED Cheery Fletcher Mitten, complete with finished lining. This finished mitten has a finished sibling, but the sibling is already in Sir Nicholas’ coat pocket. It was 14 degrees F when we left the house this morning to take Buddy to the vet. Even one warm mitten was better than no warm mittens at all.

Now Sir N has a PAIR of finished warm mittens. And I get to mark off Item #2 of the 15 UFO’s on my 2011 Must Finish list. HOORAY!

Next: This is my latest progress photo on #7, Wheatgrass Truffle Cardigan.

This is the bottom of the Right Front; you can see the pattern panel beginning on the right. (That little odd bit sticking out will eventually be folded to the inside to become a facing.)

I’ve been weaving!

That’s the first 14″ or so of the fabric for the Pick-up Tote bag (#9). The photo is a little dark, but you can see that overnight the lovely cotton yarn sprouted some cat hairs. When I first got up this morning, I noticed little dents in the fabric, little dents shaped like…cat paws. And one big dent shaped like a cat butt. Later on, I walked in and found Tim napping on the newly woven fabric.

Clearly, he thinks I am weaving him a cat blankie.

So that’s weaving and knitting.

How about a spinning project?

That’s a lovely, drool-worthy cashmere silk blend I bought at the NHA Gathering last November, being spun on the oddest spindle I’ve ever seen: a Trindle. The little spokes-with-beads come out so you don’t have to worry about them getting bent in your spinning bag, and then they just pop in and stay put when you are ready to spin. You can choose different beads. I thought it was just a gimmick until I spun on one. Dude. That spindle can SPIN, fast and true. It’s awesome. I love it. (If I didn’t love it, it wouldn’t get to spin project #11, that captivating cashmere/silk.)

It felt good to give some serious time to my crafting this weekend. I finished warping the loom, then did the weaving above. I finished the mittens, worked on the Baby Surprise Jacket (#5), and spent a whack of time writing up some more stuff for the Wheatgrass Truffle KAL (plus doing the knitting above). I worked on the Karmic Geese sewing project; I cleaned house (just a little, OK, don’t go into shock or anything).

One thing that has been really lovely has been that both Nicholas and I are trying to stay off the computer after 8:30 or so at night; we’ve spent the time talking (to each other! actual conversations!), or else he’s gone into the other room to practice his guitar while I work on something crafty. This has brought a quiet peacefulness to our evenings that was lacking before. It’s taken both of us some time to adjust to this: We have to be a bit more vigilant in terms of getting our computer work done before dinner; we have to put off things like wanting to look up some juicy tidbit of information during a movie or a conversation. It means I have to delay gratification in terms of reading your comments, which has been the hardest, I think. (I LOVE reading comments.) But overall, the increase in peacefulness and the extra time to do important things like crafting and talking has been truly wonderful.

Today’s Random Good

While finishing up Nicholas’ mitten, I watched a film called The Story of the Coast Salish Knitters.

Coast Salish is a tribe of First Nations people who live in British Columbia; they are the creators of the gorgeous sweaters known as Cowichan Sweaters.

The film was entrancing. The film’s Métis producer, Christine Welsh (on right in the first photo above) interviewed three generations of native knitters, and filmed all aspects of the making of these unusual garments.

Included is some extremely rare footage of spinners using the large-whorl spindles often seen in museum collections, and spinning on so-called Indian Head spinners (motorized spinning machines powered by foot-treadles ganked from old sewing machines).

There are loving shots of the knitters knitting the bodies of the sweaters on what appear to be eight or ten large plastic double-pointed needles; on closer examination, you realize that these are simply long straight needles with the knobby stop at the end sawn off.

It’s a very well-made film; the stories of the women (and some men) who knit these complex sweaters into the wee hours in order to buy groceries the next day are riveting…especially when they reveal that, although the sweaters often sell for $300 in the tourist shops, the knitters themselves were sometimes paid as little as $5 for them. (Up until very recently, the going rate was still only about $50.)

My favourite story is told by the elderly woman who wanted to take out a bank loan to buy a mechanized carding machine for her village to help speed up the sweater-making so the women could make more money. (The women were all hand-washing and hand-carding the fibre, then handspinning it…and then knitting it. For $5-$50 a sweater. Yeah.) But the bank wouldn’t loan her the money for the carding machine…because they didn’t loan money to Indians. Our hero, Grandmother Carder, went to the bank and sat in the lobby every day for a week or so until the bank men finally gave her the loan, more or less to get rid of her. She bought the carding machine (room-sized, mind you), paid off the loan before it was due, and increased the productivity and well-being of her entire village. Go Grandmother Carder!

I’ve read articles and books on these sweaters, all from a European perspective. This was the first in-depth look I’d had at this important native fibre heritage through native eyes. Wonderful. Try to find it if you can; it’s fascinating whether you love spinning, knitting, fibre, women’s stories, or native studies.

About sandi

Knitter. Spinner. Quilter. UFO Wrangler. Sometime bead artist and weaver. Two toddler-age kittens, 1 permakitten, 2 grownup cats, 1 beloved dog angel, 1 spouse, 1 crazy life. I suppose that the 5 cats make me 1 crazy cat lady; OTOH, apparently, yes, I do need that much feline supervision.
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102 Responses to monday fun

  1. melanie says:

    I love learning about women who make a difference, especially when they have to break those kinds of barriers! I’m definitely going to try to find that film.

    And –

    I have a Trindle, and it’s the most amazing spindle! The thing spins forever.


  2. Sally says:

    I have been reading for a while, but lurking 🙂 I’ve really enjoyed your daily posts lately.

    And – that DVD brought me out of the woodwork. I would love to try a true colorwork sweater, but steeking scares me!


  3. aliceq says:

    I’m just now working on my first unsupervised colorwork project (I’ve taken classes at Stitches). It’s only a pair of mittens, in a non-traditional pattern, but it’s only a matter of time before I tackle something involving steeks; I so like the look of the Fair Isle vests I’ve seen.


  4. Dawn says:

    I’ve just discovered this blog and I love it! I had to laugh at the cat footprints and cat butt shape on the weaving. My cats think everything that I knit is a cat bed. I’d love to try fair isle but I’ve been too chicken up till now. Hope I’m the lucky number 🙂


  5. Bonnie says:

    Hey, I’M a knitter!! Hooray for a nice giveaway! Congrats on the progress on the projects and the new computer rule.


  6. As usual you have inspired me! I must watch that video, and I really do need to curtail my computer time.


  7. woolizard says:

    Wow! This post was like a full meal, a little bit of everything from fluff to meaty, from nibbles to full servings. Very thought-provoking for a Monday afternoon.

    (Hope puppy is okay.)


  8. Eileen says:

    Just tried to find the movie on Netflicks buy they didn’t have it :(. Where did you get it? I’d love to see it too.

    The video would be nice to have. Steeks terrify me.


  9. Sylvia says:

    When I laugh out loud while sitting at my computer, my sweetie says “is that the person from Canada again who always makes you laugh?” Well, no, actually, today it was Tim … loved the image of him sleeping on the weaving! He has a long lost cousin here at my house who also believes anything at least has the prospect of being a cat bed.

    Interesting info about those sweaters and their makers, thanks.


  10. georg says:

    Hooray for warm hands for Nicholas!! Congrats on finishing.

    I hope Buddy heals quickly. And I know the joys of cat butts on the loom – Miss Spider will sit on my weaving whenever it is in range.


  11. Laura says:

    I could say so many things in response to this post! Hmm…I think I’ll leave it with: “I’m happy you’re finding a plan of life that suits both you and Sir N well. No computer after 8:30pm sounds so wise. And I wanted to let you know that I finished one pair of socks, and nearly finished another this weekend, thanks to your inspiration about finishing WIPs last week!” (Granted, these socks didn’t need much to be finished. But still. That’s the point, isn’t it?)

    Thanks for your continued kindness in giveaways…and in writing for us here.


  12. gerri newfry says:

    i’m taking on my first fair isle project soon. i’d love a dvd explanation, and a demonstration of steeking!


  13. Naomi says:

    Yay, weaving!

    I had no idea the spokes on Trindles were removable. Good to know.

    And thanks for the bit on the Salish knitters!

    I don’t think I could handle not using my computer after 8:30pm, but I’ve been spending more time this past week within reach of the internet but with laptop and ipod both off. It’s a nice feeling.


  14. Carole says:

    Oh! I am from the west coast and I miss it so much sometimes! My friends were coastal first nations people, and the culture is so unique, so calm, so wonderful. Thank-you for the link, Sandi!


  15. Jen says:

    The chance to win the DVD has brought me out of the wordwork too but I must admit that by the end of your post I was hoping it was the Salish/Cowichan DVD up for grabs – I don’t suppose it came with a pattern or contact information to commission a sweater did it?!


  16. InJuneau says:

    What a great sounding film. I shall have to see if I can find it to buy. And, YAY for finished mittens for N. Sounds like things are working toward balance in your lives; I like that.


  17. RichelleCK says:

    Fair isle/color knitting definitely hits a category I want to cover in my knitting this year. And I must find that film!


  18. Jenadina says:

    Your tote bag is going to be Fabulous! I love the colors you chose.

    I’ve thought about buying that dvd but am a bit afraid of stranding…I can just picture my tension going all wonky and having to frog…gulp!


  19. Gwen says:

    The most fascinating part of Sharon Miller’s Hap Shawl book was the appendix of testimony from women knitting shawls for, dang what’s the word?!, well, basically same situation as these sweater knitters. (I had to go look up author’s last name. It is a plague of lost words in this comment.)

    It’s always the same story. I’d love to watch the documentary one day.

    Fabulous mittens!


  20. MsVicki says:

    You are really accomplishing a lot this year (I love saying that, “this year.”) And the giveaways are fab.

    Now, if I could only figure out a way to see the documentary … but I doubt Netflix will have it ;–(


  21. Jennifer says:

    Interesting sounding video – will have to see if it’s available at my local library. Please count me in on the knitting giveaway. Not that I don’t dream of someday knitting a sweater from yarn I spun myself, but time, money and space are all premium right now, so I’ll put taking up spinning on hold for now. Still lots to learn in the knitting world too. I have the goal of learning to knit continental style so I can tackle fair isle projects. Thanks for expanding my knitting horizons with Knitting Daily and your blog.


  22. Wendy says:

    Wow, Sandi, you’ve really been productive over the past couple of days. I love that you are turning off the tubes in the evening. I wish I could get my family to do that. I wish I could get ME to do that!

    Anyway, I’ve been knitting for decades, but have never cut a steek. Having Eunny hold my hand while I do my first one would be wonderful.


  23. Janise says:

    I just love the Deep Winter Fairy ideal! Of course the deep winter fairy has visited the deep south in Mississippi leaving behind a coating of ice and snow – which we rarely ever get – which has given me more time to knit!! I have not ventured into colorway knitting yet other than the odd colored border/collar etc that’s pretty simple. Might just have to go back and add that to my New Years resolutions for the year. I really enjoy your blog – always brightens my day.


  24. Ady says:

    What a terrific giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity. I love your mittens too, btw.


  25. Barbara Almen says:

    I was a long-time member of Sockamania and every time a sock pattern entailed Fair Isle/colorwork I tried to master the technique but ended up frogging every single one. I would love to see how it is done and actually succeed in this much-used technique.


  26. Julie says:

    I would love the DVD. Amazing story about the Coast Salish tribe. I will have to find it and watch sometime as those stories to me are some of the best history to learn.

    Your cardi is coming along! Yay! I’ve gotten about the first 60 rows done on the left front and so far so good with one small mistake and I’m letting it sit a couple of days to see if it still bothers me enough to rip it back and start again.


  27. ginger says:

    impressive finishing your UFO’s i’m attempting the same and now thinking i need to make a list or at least log them in ravelry to motivate! can’t wait to see the finished cardigan!!!


  28. May says:

    Thanks for holding a contest!


  29. Lise says:

    Steeks, eek, I’ve been too scared to even think about putting scissors to my knitting. Maybe if The Deep Winter Fairy (I live in cold Ontario) would bring me Eunny’s video, it would alleviate my fears. Did you ever see the imitation Cowichan Sweaters that were being sold during the Vancouver Olympics? I think it’s a shame that the powers that be did not get them from the real knitters of these wonderful sweaters. I just had to come out of lurkdom when I read about the First Nations knitters.


  30. Carrie says:

    I just bought a mitten book with stranding – and I’m super excited! I’d love some extra help . . . and steeks, eek!


  31. maureenC says:

    I saw a copy of the video about the Coast Salish Knitters at the local library, and wanted to take it out – but alas, I quickly remembered that we no longer have a video player at home.


  32. april says:

    yay for The Deep Winter Fairy !!

    i love it that you and Sir N. are spending your evenings doing things that are so much more productive. my family has a NO TECH EVENING, and its so quiet and nice. it seems like all the other days its noisy, the TV is on and everyone separates to do their own thing. No Tech Night is great.


  33. Lori says:

    Sandi, the mittens are marvelous. The bag will be lovely too – such nice colors. I’ve so enjoyed reading your blog since the last Spin-Off told me where to find you.

    I’ve been practicing stranded knitting by making hats (using up stash yarn!) for our LYS mitten/hat tree and have finally reached a comfort level knitting with a strand in each hand. I’m ready for more than two colors!

    Thank you for the Deep Winter Fairy drawings and for sharing your thoughts with us.


  34. GailR says:

    That video site is bookmarked and when the money is available will be ordered. Thank you for showing the info. I spent 7 years in the pacific northwest and loved the sweaters that were made by the native people.


  35. Nancy N says:

    I would love that, steeks are scary… I need someone to hold my hand through one.


  36. Barbara says:

    Sounds like a great movie. I wonder is Netflix has it? I love fair isle knitting so would love to win the DVD.


  37. Heather says:

    Your weaving is gorgeous!!! I haz weaving-envy. I need to learn this beautiful art.

    I’d also like to learn to make that vest so…..PICK ME!!!



  38. Magi says:

    Lovely post today – wow you are creative!!!


  39. Mary says:

    Thanks for the story and photos of the knitters of Cowichan sweaters. I would love to see the film. We see a lot of these sweaters here in Seattle since we are not far from British Columbia. Sad that such beautiful work makes less than a subsistence living.


  40. Carole says:

    I loved the info about the Cowichan knitters, and read all of your blogs. You are a very talented lady, and I have learned so much from you. Fair isle knitting is next on my list of things to learn, so the DVD would be a great gift to receive. Thanks for sharing you with all of us.


  41. Elizabeth says:

    Another long time lurker coming out of the woodwork. I have been following your blog since your days at IK, but was lured out by the irrisistible chance to win your dvd……….

    Thank you for your faithful and enjoyable blogging.


  42. CR says:

    I love that Grandma! Thank you for sharing her story!


  43. D Louise says:

    Ooh! It is so inspirational just reading your blog [well, not the spinning part; my experience, whew, has convinced me I’m immune to THAT], and now the fun of a chance at that lovely DVD! Thank you Sandy. I’m so glad I followed you here from KD where I also followed you avidly.


  44. Donna says:

    I should have delurked before to tell you how much I enjoy reading your writing. I always learn something, and I’m grateful. I’m sorry that it is The Deep Winter Fairy that enticed me out.


  45. Mireille says:

    Did I miss the update on Buddy? I hope he’s feeling better. And good for you on turning off the electronic tethers.


  46. Nicky says:

    I love the Trindle! How pretty! The contrast between the delicate Trindle and the large whorl spindle made me smile. Thank you.


  47. Rachel says:

    Steeks scare the bejesus out of me (what do you mean CUT my knitting) so the DVD with step by step would be wonderful.

    And yes, Trindles are amazing, the one I have is one of my favorites as a new spinner.

    (and finally) of course you are weaving Tim a cat blankie, what else could you possibly be knitting?


  48. cocokat says:

    The trindle looks lovely. I’m just starting to spin with a turkish spindle – so much fun.

    Cat hair has been part of many of my projects over the years. They seem to have a great affinity for yarn!

    You’re off to a great start on the UFO list. I keep my UFO list very, very small. It would be too overwhelming for me otherwise. Currently, one cross-stitch, and three knitting projects. Soon, though, a crocheted tablecloth. Whew!


  49. janine says:

    I would love to win the Fair Isle DVD. I have a pattern for a lovely hat that I confess I am chicken to try.


  50. Melissa says:

    Yay, knitting! I don’t spin. And I keep telling myself that I do not have enough hours in each week to learn to spin. Must. Stay. Strong.


  51. Karen says:

    STEEKS!! I wish I had know what they where about, when I started my latest knitting project….needless to say, that knitting projects is now going to made into socks rather than the sweater it was supppos to be.. Live and learn as they say!

    Loved your post. How is buddy?


  52. Cynthia says:

    I am delurking also – have been reading your blog for awhile after finding “What’s on Sandi’s Needles” at IK.

    I really enjoy reading about your cats, crafts and all other aspects of your life that you share with us.


  53. Lisa says:

    Your weaving is gorgeous. Purple–I love it!! I learned a trick for keeping cats off a quilt in a frame that would work for your weaving: cut a piece of Contact paper big enough to cover the weaving and lay it on with the sticky side out. You might have to pin it or clip it to keep it from being knocked off.

    Also, I have a Trindle, and it’s my fastest and longest-spinning spindle. I love it.

    And I really need the DVD. I’ve started two Dale of Norway patterns, and both have been serious Fair Isle FAIL.


  54. Sharon says:

    Thank you for telling us about that documentary. I’ll check at my local library or in the listings for the aboriginal channels. For anyone who cannot find this documentary, Pricilla Gibson-Roberts wrote a book about the Salish knitters and their sweaters, Salish Indian Sweaters: A Pacific Northwest Tradition; it was published by Interweave Press in 1989. ISBN is 0-32394-13-2. It’s the most comprehensive book I’ve seen. I found her historical data fascinating since I live in SW B.C. and enjoy knitting traditional garments. It was her interviews and data that inspired DH to carve dp needles for me; local (mid Fraser Valley) knitters talked about using knitting needles carved from small trees like red hoosier dogwoods, etc.

    True Cowichan sweaters come from the Cowichan band on Vancouver Island, but many other bands also used to knit for money/groceries. Unfortunately, this is a history similar that of Fair Isle knitters and other impoverished women who have turned to their knitting, crochet, and spinning to help them eke out a subsistence living. Currently, South American native women come to mind, though I’m not casting any blame toward some of the companies who are paying fair wages! But there are others who aren’t. But this isn’t the forum to get into any of that stuff. I just wanted everyone to know that there is a good book out there. It’s hard to find for sale, but try your local library, especially if you live in Canada. We have pretty good libraries here. 😉

    I’m amazed by the amount of work you are getting done, especially on Tim’s blankie, aka, your tote bag. It’s beautiful, even with the cat hairs!

    I’m really enjoying your blogs and not for the giveaways the Deep Winter Fairy keeps finding! If my number comes up this time, I know I’ll pass the video on because I’ve been knitting Fair Isle and colour stranding for years, and steeks don’t scare me. I have a bombproof method.


  55. meg says:

    Amazing about the video … I will have to go in search of it. Thanks.


  56. I’m very intrigued by your review of “The Story of the Coast Salish Knitters”. I’ll have to see if I can find that movie as well!
    And Oh goody! A knitting giveaway! I could use a bit of help with my Fair Isle knitting. I’m actually in the process of finishing a hat for my brother using that very technique… but I do have a bit of a pucker effect going on from where the yarn is stretched across the backside. I thought I was stranding it loosely, but I guess I was wrong! If I happen to win, maybe the DVD will give me some good tips!
    Last but not least, I miss having cat hair on everything! LOL I grew up with cats… but after I lost my last feline friend, my husband didn’t want to have another one. =( He says “we have kids, we don’t need pets”. *sighs* He’s just not an animal lover as I am.


  57. Sue says:

    Woot indeed! The review of that video was very interesting – thank you. I thought that spindly thing was an optical illusion for a moment!!


  58. Susan L. says:

    I love learning about the history of knitting. It makes me feel connected to the past and present knitters. Just wanted to stop by also and tell you I enjoy your more frequent blogging. Been a reader for a long time. Thanks so much for sharing with us.


  59. Mardi says:

    I have a trindle too, but it is anearlier model and I am not sure the bead stems come out. But it is an awesome little spinning dragonfly! RIght now I am spinning up two Whole Wheat Tweed Abbybatts, on spindles, use as yet to be determined. It is 4:45 am, and yes, I have insomnia, why do you ask? I got up a couple of hours ago and decided to sit and spin to try to calm down. The calming part didn’t work, but I am getting spinning done!

    and I love your weaving soontobeabag. Beautiful!


  60. molly says:

    i saw that documentary on the telly several years ago – it was wonderful! after seeing the needles that they used to produce such beautiful work, i’ve been much more relaxed about which needles i sometimes use (using a fifth needle that’s a slightly different size doesn’t harm the finished product; sometimes using six or seven dpns if i can’t find a circ the right size).
    since christmas, i have also avoided the demon lure of the computer in the evening…it’s very freeing, isn’t it?


  61. innquilter says:

    great post with lots of ideas: computer off after 8:30 pm, the movie on the Cowichan knitter, awesome to see finished projects and it is all inspiring me to stay focused. Love the part about Grandmother Carder and her tenacity!


  62. Kassia says:

    I love reading your blogs and seeing what you’re up to! 🙂


  63. kimkrafty says:

    Thanks for posting the link for the film about the Coast Salish Knitters. I’d really like to see that and I’m going to see if it is available locally.


  64. BarbR says:

    Sandy, I love your blog. I have really enjoyed the last month of blogging, thank you for your time.
    Your blog has inspired me to be a fearless knitter. I have not tried steeking yet, this DVD could be the tool I need to do just that!


  65. NancyN says:

    Yea for you and Nicholas making time for just you two as a couple! Best way in the world to keep a marriage healthy – and fun!
    How is Buddy?


  66. Amy P says:

    Fascinating story about the First Nations people (I’d read an article about the Cowichan sweaters a few years ago and always wanted to know more).


  67. Susanne says:

    That film sounds very interesting. (And spinning and knitting a sweater like that by hand for a mere 50$ or less? Oh my.)

    It’s nice to see that you’re actually crafting. And yes, turning the computer off in the evenings is very good. I have turned off WiFi in our house so I can only have internet while sitting down at my desk, and there is a timer on our router to shut it off between 10pm and 8am.

    Now I’m going to check out trindles…


  68. Lab Cat says:

    Your weaving is very pretty even though Tim has claimed it as a cat hammock. I can see why he would find it comfortable.

    I have to add a Trindle spindle to my want list.


  69. Carolyn says:

    Love Eunny Jang’s style. Truly, miss her old blog when she got hired by Interweave.


  70. Elisabeth says:

    Wouldn’t it be great if the dvd went all the way to Italy?



  71. Sarah says:

    This DVD was on my Christmas list, but I didn’t get it… perhaps because I was destined to WIN it!


  72. Ba says:

    What cheerful colors on the mittens! And the weaving is looking good too….


  73. Megan says:

    I hope to win the DVD. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!


  74. Brandon Thomas says:

    Sandy! How did you know that I’m going to be conquering Fair Isle soon!?!


  75. LizzyA says:

    That DVD would be a wonderful help! One of my new year knitting resolutions is to knit a FairIsle garment.

    (I lurk on your blog every week and enjoy it immensely.)


  76. Lynn says:

    OK, it’s Tuesday, you’re not posting today, and I miss you already. (Don’t send me a freebie, btw; I have So. Much. Stuff!) Anyhow, look at all your comments – fun!


  77. Kate says:

    I’m working on my first colourwork project, a slip stitch pattern. I would love this DVD to expand my skills!


  78. Linda says:

    Your postings are so interesting. I hope I can finally get over my fear of steeking. Colorwork is fine, but steeking is another ball of wax altogether. Thanks for the opportunity to possibly win the DVD.


  79. Lisa says:

    I have been secretly lusting for the Ivy League Vest. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.


  80. Dorothy says:

    I’m trying to work up the courage to find the time to try a project involving steeking. I’d love this DVD!

    The documentary sounds fascinating, and I’m off to search our library database for it!


  81. Wyldchai says:

    Dear Sandi,

    I loved hearing about your loom and the cat– Maybe he thinks you are making him an extra-firm cat hammock? They always find the best places to sit. (for them.)

    I think I am going to have to look up more about this Metis producer. That film sounds amazing. I’m trying to uncover a little more about a fascinating and nearly extinct bast fiber production down here. Apparently you can ret and spin Spanish Moss, and some of the local tribes used to. If I ever manage to uncover info about it, I’ll be posting it in FOAY.


  82. Kathy R says:

    I’m a first time commenter, but Sandi, I’ve absolutely LOVED your posts, having followed you on Knitting Daily, then lost track of you for a while. I was SO HAPPY to find your blog again a while back and have now caught myself up to present. Your humor is wonderful, your way with words is splendid~~keep up your wonderful work


  83. Wendy H says:

    Hi Sandy!!! I just love your blog. You are such an interesting writer…I love your pictures, your writing, and especially your great sense of humor. happy New Year!!!


  84. Elizabeth says:

    Oh, please pick me! I need to feel smart again.


  85. Faith says:

    I would love to learn colorwork; Lisa’s Tsocks are as close as I’ve come!


  86. Nina says:


    I love the mitten — the colors are great. I just recently finished spinning some cashmere roving and would love to get my hands on some more. However, the vendor doesn’t even remember having it — how is that possible?


  87. Wendy says:

    I always love reading your posts. Who in their right mind doesn’t want to banish their fear of steeks!??!


  88. Jo says:

    I have been encouraged by your braveness in facing your UFOs. I can see that in facing them we can overcome them. Such beautiful things too! Thanks for your deep winter kindnesses. It makes the winter seem a little less cold and deep.


  89. Melanie says:

    I would love the DVD – the Ivy League Vest has been on my list for a long time.


  90. donna lee says:

    We have the same kind of rule in our house. We spend specific bits of time with the technology turned off. We also don’t own a television which caused us to learn to talk to each other and to spend more time with our crafts.


  91. Robin says:

    Yay! The DVD looks great!


  92. tallfran says:

    Another lover of Trindles here! I got mine at SAFF this year and need to use it a whole lot more instead of always using my wheel.

    Speaking of spinning, do you spin Buddy’s fur? People have been collecting dog fur for me, and someone said that Great Pyrenees have the best fur for spinning.


  93. Erin says:

    Eek! A steek! Not without a whole lot of advice and hand-holding – no sir, not me! Need all the help I can get after having a Fair Isle FAIL in a class at my LYS. I think I can see how it would be possible, in theory, but the reality is so very scary…


  94. Caryn says:

    Thank you so much for this post! I love historical pieces about hand spinning and knitting. Go Grandmother Carder! We need more people like her to get things done.
    And, EVERYTHING in the house is a bed for cats. They are the reincarnation of priviledged folks, still wrapped in their furs. Notice the air of aristocracy about them-they only come to you when they want something, and they demand being waited on constantly. They’re not aliens at all.


  95. Amina says:

    Congratulations for finishing the mittens, they are lovely and cheerful to wear on a gloomy winter day!


  96. Kitten With A Whiplash says:

    I’m so glad I got back from Mom’s in time to enter this! I’ve done some Fair Isle, but I know I could improve my skills.


  97. Christine says:

    I just bought yarn to make that vest and could probably use some help to make it great.


  98. Andrea Lawson says:

    Your posts are always so interesting! I just saw my first real live looms last night, at a class I took on hand spinning, and it was nice to be able to say, “Oh, so is that the heddle?” and be right! I’m trying to resist the pull of weaving, since I already don’t have enough time to finish the pile of knitting I’m dying to do!


  99. Donna Cooper says:

    Hi Sandi, I would love the DVD on colorwork. I’m sure there are some great tips on keeping the thread from becoming a tangled mess. Been there, done that. Miss your posts on Interview.


  100. Donna says:

    Eek! I just popped by to catch up on your blog for the week. Hope I’m in time for the Deep Winter Kindness fairy. I would love to have Eunny’s Fair Isle dvd. Thanks!


  101. Melanie says:

    Love your blog and am so happy you’ve started blogging almost every day. Please enter me for the DVD. I’m puzzled by the dates on your blog. Yesterday, January 23, your latest blog entry was dated Jan 8. Today when I checked, your latest blog entry is dated Jan 10 (presumably posted in the last 24 hours) and running a contest that is closing Jan 14. If you posted this on the 10th, why didn’t it show up until the 24th?


    • sandi says:

      Hi Melanie,

      Very odd. I have no explanation. I do know that other folks are reading the blog entries on the correct dates, because I get their comments emailed to me as soon as they post them.

      How are you reading the blog? Just coming to the site? Clicking a link somewhere? Using a reader?

      The last entry I posted was actually yesterday’s:

      And I’m sorry to say that that DVD has already gone to its new home. There will be another giveaway next week, though.

      An easy way to make sure you see the entries when they come out is to have the entries mailed to you (there’s a subscription box on the home pagebottom right).

      Thanks for reading! And bummer that something isn’t posting correctly. But the good news is that if the last entry you read was Jan 10th, then you have seven more entries left to enjoy.

      The home page has a calendar on the right; entries since the 10th have been the 12th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 21st, and 23rd.

      🙂 Enjoy those. Wish I knew what was going on with the postings, but this is the first time I have heard this from anyone.

      Cheers, Sandi


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