welcome to march!

I’ve decided to start spring a bit early, just on principle. (We all need more Spring, right?)

To signify my readiness for Things to Change and Grow, I’ve changed the theme of this blog so that the overall appearance is cleaner and easier to read. I wanted the background to be less ivory and more white, to show off the colours in the photos better; I wanted a bigger, clearer font and more layout options.

So here it is, the new look for Spring in WiseLand! Let me know what you think. I’m going to be tweaking it a bit in the days to come, so if there’s something that bothers you or that you really like, let me know.

Skein Hunt

When I started thinking about the prayer flag project, I had in mind using up all my little skeins of handspun samples…except that I couldn’t find any of them. I know they’re here…somewhere. GAH. I hate it when this happens.

Of course, I did the Tear House To Shreds routine in search of all the little skeins, and although I still have not located the central lair where most of them are lurking, I have found some of the outliers:

I also found a bag full of partial bobbins, unfinished yarn wrapped around toilet tissue rolls, that sort of thing. I spent some happy time yesterday winding those bits into skeins, soaking them, and hanging them up to dry. Some of them were singles I had meant to ply, but I decided that given the tiny yardages I had, the singles looked very pretty on their own.

Some of the skeinlets were from my very first attempts at spinning about eighteen years ago. I remember how rough the wool was, how I spent hours handcarding and blending fibres, how I struggled to keep those first yarns even without lumps and bumps in them.

Looking at those early yarns, I can see how differently I spin now (even though there were about 13 years in the middle there when I did not spin much at all). I can see that I’m using better quality fibres; I can see that my drafting is more even and my spinning much more consistent. And my default singles have clearly gotten MUCH thinner!

Still, I’m pleased that I have some of my very first yarns to include in the prayer flags. There’s power in the first steps we take in any journey, the power of choosing something new, the power of opening our hearts to learn to see things differently. I’m glad that sort of energy will be part of the prayer flags as they develop and grow.

I’ve got enough motifs knit up, both squares and hexagons, that I had to find somewhere to store them all.

You can’t see it too well there, I guess; it’s a clear plastic storage box with a lid. And here’s some of the squares I’ve knit in the past couple of days:

The square in the lower right corner, the dark blue one, is made from some of my early handspun. The other three are made from the yarn that AnnieBeeKnits sent me.

But methinks there is something else you are all itching to hear about today….

Watch Out: Winner Ahead

You want to know which lucky commenter has won this skein of TARDIS merino/cashmere/nylon sock yarn from Indigodragonfly:


The winner is…btownknitter! Woooooooo! btownknitter, I will be emailing you in a little while to get your mailing information so the skein can make its way safely to your home.

HOWEVER…the rest of you who left all those awesome comments? I’ve got something else up my sleeve. Hold tight while I wriggle it out of my sleeve and out into your hands, OK? All shall be revealed. (Soon.)

Many of you mentioned how much you love this yarn, and expressed surprise that I could bear to give it away, or even stop petting it long enough to blog. Hee. You know me too well…for, indeed, if this skein actually was in my stash, I would find it almost impossible to give away. Luckily, I figured that out before I placed the order with Kim, the mastermind behind Indigodragonfly. I knew that I wanted a skein of TARDIS, but I also knew that I wanted to give away a skein of TARDIS. I decided to just combine the two desires: I got the pleasure of ordering the yarn, and I also get the pleasure of having the skein delivered to the giveaway winner! I’ll never actually touch this particular skein myself, see, so there is no need to pry it out of my wee pudgy little hands. Plus, there will be the added benefit of no drool stains on it. (I’m sure btownknitter will appreciate that very much.)

But rest assured, btownknitter: I’m going to send out a little Sandi sheep card to you separately, just so you don’t miss out on the sparkles that usually come with one of these goodies.

Hat Update

I’m about 22, 23 rounds from the end of the pretty little Rose Red hat I’m knitting out of handspun:

However, there’s a problem. Let’s look at another view of the hat-in-progress.

See the tiny ball of yarn between the needles? That is ALL THE YARN. There’s literally no more left in the entire world of that particular blend of yarn, because I blended it with my own two hands out of about fifteen different colours. There’s no way that’s enough yarn to finish up the 23-ish rounds left in the hat. I could end the hat early, but then it won’t be the deep sort of beret you can tuck your hair into, as I meant it to be.

I actually imagined (for a few brief shining seconds) that it would be possible to blend more of this same colour. I got out my fibre bins and started pulling things out when I remembered that it had taken me days of adding and mixing fibres to get just exactly that shade of sunrise rose.

So now, I’m trying to figure out the fate of the pretty little hat. I could make the bottom section a different colour (ew); I could do a few more rounds and call it done (sigh); I could try to blend more of the same shade or close to it (argh).

Hm. I have one “ew,” one “sigh,” and one “argh.” Of the three, the “sigh” sounds the least pained, so perhaps I will try ending the hat early and see how that makes me feel about the whole endeavour.

Random Goods & Sillies

Just when you think you have seen it all:

That’s a baby toad, perched on a paperclip. Find out more about this smallest-of-the-wee here.

Speaking of the TARDISthis bar has one as a bathroom. No lie! Go look for yourself.

And finally…who doesn’t want some sheep cupcakes? Canadian Living has a recipe.

About sandi

Knitter. Spinner. Quilter. UFO Wrangler. Sometime bead artist and weaver. Two toddler-age kittens, 1 permakitten, 2 grownup cats, 1 beloved dog angel, 1 spouse, 1 crazy life. I suppose that the 5 cats make me 1 crazy cat lady; OTOH, apparently, yes, I do need that much feline supervision.
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25 Responses to welcome to march!

  1. Barbara G. says:

    Dear Sandi,
    Take heart, I am spinning up some fresh springy green yarn for your prayer flag project! It is part of my first dying attempts with food coloring and my own Jacob wool, from my sheep from years gone by. Its taking a little while, but soon it will be on its way to you! Thanks again for talking to “us” out in internet-land, your words are very much appreciated!
    Here’s to Spring on its way to a yard near you!


  2. InJuneau says:

    Pretty spring look!

    Beautiful little skeins and prayer flags!


  3. melanie says:

    Congratulations to Btownknitter!

    Is there enough of the hat to be a bun-holder/snood?


  4. Lynn says:

    That is one ADORABLE froglet! And I swear I will remember to send you prayer flag yarn soon – I just wrote it down on my weekend to do list, so maybe it will actually happen.


  5. Seanna Lea says:

    Wow. That is really hard. I would probably (if I spun) spend the time trying to card more into the same color. At least you will have the original next to it for a constant compare and contrast. Do you have any photos of the unspun carded wool? Because it always looks different before the colors solidify in the spinning.


  6. Laura says:

    What a sad fate for a beautiful Rose Red. I think I’d agree with you; I’d try “sigh” first. Then if it is *just too short* I’d probably go for “argh.” (Though, as a non-spinner, I have no idea how that would work.) And as a last ditch effort, it would be “ugh,” which would mean frogging and finding something else to knit with it. Because that yarn is too pretty for you to be unhappy with whatever it grows up to be.

    In reality, if it were my hat and in my house, the poor thing would probably get shoved into a bag and forgotten about for quite some time. Not that such a thing has happened…


  7. Patricia says:

    I like the new layout, the white background and especially the larger print. So easy to read and enjoy. Thanks, Sandi!


  8. Jerri says:

    I also like the new layout and colors. It is so sharp and crisp, just right for spring – all new. I don’t know about the hat… I’d probably try ending it early and see if it was all good. But knowing me, what would happen is that I’d frog it all and start over again. At least now you have an idea of how big a project to use it for. Happy Springing.


  9. naomi says:

    Eeeeeeeee! Teeny frog!

    (I prefer a smaller font, but that’s me. I like the colors, though.)


  10. Sandi, I love the way you share your life!


  11. marianne says:

    Or…. you could blend up something close, but intentionally a little darker, possible even shifting from close to the shade you’ve got to darker and darker so that as you reach the transition point in the beret, the yarn would start to shift to the darker blend – just as the sky lightens up from the dark at sunrise
    I would take the time and do it just because after all that dreaming and working on the hat I would want to love it so that I would actually wear it


  12. molly says:

    the sheepy cupcakes remind me of a cake i made many years ago at about this time of year – it was (yet another) cold winter that was hanging on far too long, i was a stay-at-home mom with five kids….my husband had been working away for several months…desperate for a little touch of spring, i made a little lamb cake one afternoon. it had hundreds of little dots of icing to look like lamb’s wool. the plate it was one got decorated with green icing to look like grass. took me the whole afternoon, sandwiched in between all the other things a young mom with a passel of kids has to do…
    we had it for supper that night – no ‘real’ food, just the cake! the kids thought it was magic, having dessert for supper! and i will always remember that little cake…did it bring spring to our winter-locked city? now that, i don’t remember!
    and i do like the new format, although frankly, it’s the content that keeps luring me back!


  13. Judi A. says:

    I really like your new format. Definitely easier/quicker to read and the pictures stand out so nice and clear. Love the banner, too. I’d probably have to frog the hat. When things aren’t turning out the way I want/thought they would, I find I’m never happy with them if I continue on and finish as is. That yarn is so pretty, I know you could find another beautiful use for it.


  14. NancyN says:

    I agree with Naomi; the smaller font suits me better. I use Firefox and have it adjusted to a font size I like for display of Ravelry. This larger font requires that I either change my display or scroll a lot. I do like the cleanness of the white background.


  15. Bonnie says:

    You are very, very, very smart to not tempt yourself with the skein of indigodragonfly yarn. If I held it, well… I love her yarn.


  16. KnittingNiki says:

    Lovely new blog layout, I like the cleanness and the font size suits my aging eyes.

    I know I’m entering “ew” land but I really was thinking (before I read your “ew”) “oh, what about doing the last rows in a rich dark brown in a similar color to your (and my) hair– I guess I’m assuming this hat is for you– I really think this could work! I guess it would be better if the bottom is in a different stitch pattern than the rest, e.g. ribbing… and maybe I’d save two rounds worth of the wonderful red to knit the final row and cast off with…

    and maybe you have much better judgment than I have and you will figure out just the right solution for you!!


  17. astrbear says:

    Elegant new layout — I like it. I also vote for doing some sort of ombre effect in the hat, going to to darker or lighter shades of the red — or maybe yellow/orange? Since you have a wee bit of the original yarn left, you could maybe alternate a row or two with the new yarn to ease the transition.


  18. Sheep cupcakes are really cute. Thanks for the link!


  19. Keena says:

    Wait, you must wait to attach that little square of early handspun to another square! I have a bit if of yarn from the same era!!! I will pack it off to you post haste and we can have the ‘Sandi hangs out in Santa Cruz’ prayer flag. Wouldn’t that be grand?


  20. Deb says:

    Love the layout. It suits my old eye just fine. I have no words of wisdom for your hat. Hope it works out.


  21. AnneS says:

    I also like the new fresh look, much easier to read.

    For your lovely hat, I like the idea of finishing in slightly darker shades. I’d probably put it away so I could think about how I would achieve this only to rediscover it many moons later. Frankly, once something gets put away….. What can I say; out of sight, out of mind?


  22. GinkgoKnits says:

    I bought a strawberry cupcake from a favorite bakery the other day and now it’s all I can think about! Even though I shouldn’t, I might have to make cupcakes (of any kind) this weekend.


  23. btownknitter says:

    Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! I am completely tickled that I won the yarn! Thank you Sandi!


  24. Wendy says:

    Here’s a thought on your beret dilemma: How about saving what’s left of your original color, making a stripe of some other color (similar? contrasting?) then finishing up with with a thin band in the original color.

    Another alternative would be to work graduated stripes, alternating between the original and the new colors: 1 round new, 1 round old, 2 rounds new, 1 round old…


  25. Donna says:

    I like the blog’s new Spring look very much. However, I miss the cute & adorable picture of Sandi. Please put it back. Thank you.


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